Responding to Public Records Act Requests

Responding to Public Records Act Requests

Public Records Act requests have been increasing both in volume and complexity. More requests are asking for email correspondence, including from personal devices and accounts, as well as records pertaining to contact with District employees (often from business entities looking to advertise). Records requests can also be a precursor to claims and litigation. The burden on local education agencies continues to increase.

This program will provide an overview of the Public Records Act, the obligations of public agencies when responding, and recent developments regarding the Act. The program will also include practical tips on how to respond to requests. The presenter is an experienced attorney with extensive experience assisting local agencies as they grabble with their responsibilities under the Act.

Continuing Education
1.00 CEUs

Competency Level
Learning Objectives
  • Summarize what constitutes a public record
  • Identify common exemptions to Public Records Act requests
  • Understand an agency’s responsibilities for responding to Public Records Act requests
  • Develop effective policies for handling public records requests and retention of records