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CalSTRS & CalPERS: Retirement Concepts

CalSTRS & CalPERS: Retirement Concepts

This workshop will provide you with guidance on the requirements of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), a basic understanding of the related laws and regulations, and the employer’s reporting responsibility. You’ll leave with best practices, tips, and pointers to make sure you’re setting up and correctly reporting for your employees.

Continuing Education
3.00 CEUs

Competency Level
Learning Objectives
  • Explain the basic federal and state laws and regulations as they pertain to CalSTRS and CalPERS
  • Summarize the defined benefit retirement plans and CalSTRS supplemental retirement plan
  • Cite the Education Codes and Government Codes that determine membership, contribution limits, elections, reduced workload, social security requirements, special compensation, reciprocity, dual membership, and the requirements for hiring retired annuitants
  • Identify employees who do not qualify for retirement membership upon hire